Swedish Bitters are only as effective as the herbs used to produce the product.
Our herbs are directly sourced from an Austrian Pharmaceutical Company that supplies Apothecaries and Pharmacies all over Austria.
The Herbs are all lab tested for potency and pureness.
Herba absinthii (Wermutkraut)
Folium boldo (Boldoblatt)
Fungus laricis (Laerchenschwamm)
Radix gentianae (Enzianwurzel)
Radix carlinae (Eberwurz)
Radix dictamni (Diptamwurzel)
Semen myristicae (Muskatnuss)
Herba allii ursini (Bärlauch)
Radix Rhei (Rhabarber)
Radix angelicae (Angelikawurzel)
Macis (Muskatblüte)
Bolus Rubra (Tonerde Rot)
Radix zedoariae (Zitwerwurzel)
Radix tormentillae (Tormentillwurzel)
Radix calami (Kalmuswurzel)
Myrrhae (Myrrhe)
Camphora Japonica Vera (Kampfer)
Crocus sativus (Saffron)
Theriak Mixture (Theriak Mischung)
Grain Alcohol
*Theriak Mixture is a synergy blend of additional herbs